dTS @ iDSC 2023

The International Data Science Conference (iDSC) is designed as a conference with a dual approach: By bringing together the latest findings in research and science, as well as innovative implementation examples in business and industry, the conference is aimed at reflecting the current scientific breakthroughs and application expertise, as a means of stimulating shared professional discourse. The iDSC realizes this approach via its Research & Science track, the Application & Use Cases track, as well as interactive workshops. In addition, iDSC is striving to provide a PhD colloquium, enabling young researchers to exchange with senior faculty, industry experts, as well as other fellow students. All these activities are complemented with exciting keynotes and panels, providing international exchange and the discussion of current and next-gen trends in the domain of data science.

The dTS project partner DatenVorsprung presented their joint paper „Prediction of Tourism Flow with Sparse Geolocation Data“ and discussed the challenges and opportunities of AI and ML for tourism applications.

You can find additional information on the event here.

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